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Unit 3: Lesson Plans: AI Literacy | Common Sense Education

About this unit

These lesson plans from our partners at Common Sense Education include all you need to start teaching your grade 6-12 students about AI. Each lesson plan includes printable handouts, a helpful slide deck, and step-by-step instructions for an engaging classroom experience.

It's not just robots with laser eyes. This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.
There's no AI without training. This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.
Artificial intelligences are trained on human data, and so they can share our human biases, too. This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.
The consequences of AI bias are very, very real. This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.
Wondering why AI chatbots sound so lifelike? Read (and watch) on! This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.
Let's explore the benefits and risks of facial recognition technology. This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.
Learn about how AI algorithms influence what you see and experience online. This lesson was created by Common Sense Education.